Introducing my new baby...

11:50 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

And his name is GD.  As in G-Dragon.  LOL.  GD-GD... baby, baby...

A late birthday gift but a birthday gift nonetheless.  The learning curve from a purely call-and-text phone to an uber smart phone is huge.  I am in love with it already!  <3  What apps do you recommend?  :)

My poor iPod has finally started to give up on me.  Hence, the songs on my phone.  I'm still mostly a dedicated tech person but it doesn't hurt to use become multipurpose once in a while.  At least my bag's a bit lighter now lol.  I'll get a new iPod eventually but for now, GD's doing good.

And now, I can video Seungri while he's using a Samsung Galaxy S3 to film the encore for their shows.  ^^,

PS:  ONE.  WEEK.  AWAY.  I'm not even scrolling down very far to avoid the countdown widgets hahaha... I am excite!